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  • Writer's picturejamesjohn7289

5 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Roaches

Roaches are a scourge to home and getting rid of them is not easy at all. The process is slow and takes time. If you want to get the job sooner you can make use of powerful insecticides but be advised that using these powerful chemicals must not be done by unprofessional hands.

If there can be no waiting for them your only option is to go ahead can contact the best pest removal companies in Queens NY. The professionals from the company will get the job with no harmful effect left in your home from the insecticides.

But if you are willing to take the slow path by using natural elements and techniques then let’s move forward.

1: Seal Cracks And Holes

Performing this act can be the difference between a little problem and a big problem when it comes to pests.

Roaches make use of the cracks and holes that are anywhere inside your home. They turn the cracks into their hiding place and holes into their living spaces.

2: Fix Water Leaks

Roaches are attracted to moist places and thus leaking pipes are a great gathering place for the roaches. This is also the reason why you find them running around under your sink.

Cockroaches have the ability to survive months without food but they can only for a few days without water. By fixing even the tiniest leak you can make sure to cut off their water supply.

3: Use A Soap Solution

Mix soap and water in a spray bottle and always keep it close to areas where you have spotted roaches in the past.

Roaches breathe through their skin and by spraying them with the soapy water you can kill them by suffocating them. By using this method the chances of a roach escaping in corners and cracks are greatly reduced.

4: Keep Your House At Low Temperature

If the problem has gone out of hand then one thing you can do to ensure that cockroaches do not cause any more trouble is to keep the temperature of your house low.

By doing this you practically make sure that the coaches don't spread their wings and fly off when trying to kill them. In colder temperature roaches don't have the muscle capacity to spread their wings and fly. You will be able to keep the roaches on the ground where you can kill them.

If the problem is really this bad then go online and search of pest control company near me in Queen NY and find a suitable company to come to your place immediately.

5: Use A Natural Roach Bait

By mixing three-part boric acid and one part sugar a natural roach bait can be made. Boric Acid is poisonous to cockroaches but not harmful to humans or pets.

Although the boric acid is a little bit irritating so it is better to keep it away from children.

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